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Java API Developer with French

What we do

We bring together empathy and engineering, behavioral design and technology, art and science, design thinking, and agile development so that technology can truly serve people.

We design and build frictionless software that puts the human experience at the center. Because we believe that people can achieve their true potential especially when software hides complexity and gets the job done through beautiful, simple interactions.

What we need

We’re looking for a Java API Developer with French who shares the same drive to improve people’s lives through technology and design. You’ll be working at the heart of top innovation projects for some of the most hyped industries at this moment. Together with our team, you’ll be responsible for helping our clients to define their strategy, creating exceptional experiences, and building their business.
What you’ll do

  • Carry out API project development to meet eFraud business needs and technical needs, perform end-to-end testing by defining test scenarios and documenting defects, carry out API deployment in production;
  • Help anticipating and preventing production incidents, help coordinating incident resolution on the APIs (investigations, corrections, follow-up and communication with all the actors involved);
  • Accountable with the rest of the team on the APIs application infrastructure (creation, proper sizing and decommissioning of the VMs, assuring patching, security, upgrades);
  • Accountable with the rest of the team on up to date documentation;
  • Carry out testing of new services from the internal cloud platform.

What will help you succeed

  • Minimum 2 years experience in development, production management;
  • Good knowledge of JAVA, API REST, JENKINS;
  • Familiar with GIT, CI/CD, relational and non relational database management (Hbase & Postgree);
  • Knowledge of LINUX, Rabbit MQ, Angular would be a plus;
  • Bachelor degree in Computer Science or equivalent;
  • Good level of French and fluent in English.

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QUALITANCE perks you'll enjoy

  • Monthly meal tickets;
  • Flexible work schedule;
  • Private medical care: Regina Maria or Medlife;
  • Access to learning & growth programs;
  • Gym & fitness cards: 7card;
  • Referral & loyalty bonuses;
  • “Welcome Baby” gifts for new parents.

Apply for this position

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Ce temei legal avem pentru prelucrare? Demersuri pe care trebuie să le facem la cererea dvs înainte de posibila încheiere a unei colaborari.

Cui mai dăm aceste date și de ce? La Hireku INC din Statele Unite ce operează serviciul Jazz HR. Hireku INC, unde vom stoca datele dvs pentru doi ani în temeiul legal al interesului nostru legitim al operatorului de a gestiona relația cu dvs. Hireku INC acționează în calitate de persoană împuternicită pentru QUALITANCE QBS SA oferind serviciul de gestionare al candidaților și angajaților operatorului. Transferul datelor către persoana împuternicită din Statele Unite se face în baza Clauzelor Contractuale Standard semnate între operator și persoana împuternicită la care s-au adăugat măsuri de protecție suplimentară ce asigură un nivel adecvat de protecție a datelor cu caracter personal la nivelul cerințelor Uniunii Europene

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